September 2020 Newsletter

September 1, 2020

Dear Mesa Arts Academy Families,

I am pleased to welcome you back to the 2020-21 school year! I would like to extend a special welcome to all of the new families joining MAA this year, as well as welcome back all of our returning families! I am honored to be your principal. Our goal at MAA is to work together to provide our students with a rich learning environment. My vision, as the principal, is to ALWAYS put kids first! My belief is that all students can learn. As educators, we need to discover how each child learns in order to differentiate our instruction to support diverse learning styles. In a collaborative effort, we want children to thrive in all ways possible. My hope is that all children will LOVE school and nurture a learning environment that is positive, safe, warm, and caring, and a fun place to learn and grow, as well.

Student success is attributed to the partnership and the relationships we build within our community and this is MOST important now more than ever. It truly does take a village and, at MAA, we value teamwork and collaboration! Education is a joint venture, and Team MAA greatly appreciates the support you provide for your children at home and at school to help them meet their learning goals. Without the support of parent contributions through our extraordinary Mesa Arts Academy Parent Organization, we would not have many of the programs that make MAA so unique and successful. Please consider joining the MAAPO monthly meeting in September.

Although this year looks different than any other year, we are dedicated to providing your child(ren) a memorable, interactive, and engaging distance-learning experience. In spite of the differences this year, MAA will be focusing on all the positives that we can take from this experience; as the role models in our little dragons’ lives, it is important that we display a positive attitude towards distance learning each and every day. I encourage you to do the same at home.


Download September 2020 Newsletter from Our Principal

Boletín de Marzo del Director de la Escuela

March 1, 2020

Unas Palabras de la Sra. Koperno

Queridos padres, La primavera está en el aire y el mes de marzo trae muchas actividades divertidas a MAA. Nuestros niños se están preparando para las pruebas, y nuestros maestros están trabajando arduamente para garantizar que estén listos para las evaluaciones de primavera. Estamos entusiasmados con el progreso que nuestros estudiantes están haciendo en las aulas y estamos seguros de que lograremos todos nuestros objetivos durante las pruebas.

En nuestro esfuerzo por mantenerlo informado sobre las actividades en MAA, continuaremos actualizando nuestra página de Facebook MAAPO, además de las cartas mensuales. Tome nota de todos los próximos eventos en marzo. No solo tenemos vacaciones de primavera del 9 al 13 de marzo, también tenemos el carnaval MAA PO el 27 de marzo de 2020.

Sé lo ocupado que estás, pero su dedicación muestra cuán comprometido estás con la educación de sus hijos. Con todos nosotros trabajando juntos, sin duda lograremos todos nuestros objetivos este año.

¡Que tengan unas maravillosas vacaciones de primavera!


Descargue el Boletín de Marzo de 2020 del Director de la Escuela

March 2020 Newsletter

March 1, 2020

Dear Parents,

Spring is in the air and the month of March brings a lot of fun activities to MAA. Our kids are gearing up for testing, and our teachers are working hard to ensure they are ready for the spring assessments. We are excited about the progress our students are making in the classrooms and are certain that we will achieve all of our goals during testing.

In our efforts to keep you informed of the activities at MAA, we will continue updating our MAAPO Facebook page, in addition to monthly letters. Please take note of all the upcoming events in March. Not only do we have Spring break from March 9 – 13, we also have the MAAPO carnival on March 27, 2020.

I know how busy you are, but your dedication shows how committed you are to education. With all of us working together, we will certainly achieve all of our goals this year. Have a wonderful Spring Break!


Download March 2020 Newsletter from Our Principal

February 2020 Newsletter

February 1, 2020

A word from Mrs. Koperno

It is hard to believe that the 2019-2020 school year is at the halfway point! In fact, the 100th day of school was January 21st. Our annual registration is scheduled for March 1, 2020. If you know anyone with a child that will be eligible for the 2020-2021 kindergarten class, please spread the word about our upcoming registration. Equally important, parent teacher conferences are March 2nd through March 6th. Additional information contained in this newsletter serves as a valuable resource to keep you updated on your child’s school experience.

I want to thank everyone for your continued support of our students, teachers, and school as we collectively strive to provide optimal opportunities for learning each and every day. There is no question about it – success at school starts at home. Families are the most significant influence in a child’s schooling. Families model both spoken and silent language in front of their students. One of the hallmarks of a great school is the partnership established between school and family in the best interest of the students – everyone working together to build skills and knowledge, develop a strong sense of self worth, and reinforce values. Make an effort to participate in the Mesa Arts Academy Parent Organization (MAAPO). Our family carnival will be held in March, and is a great event to volunteer for to support our students and school.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me in the MAA office.


Download the February 2020 Newsletter from Our Principal

Boletín de Enero de la Director de la Escuela

January 1, 2020

Ayude a Nuestros Estudiantes Y Ahorre Dinero en Sus Impuestos de Arizona!

El Crédito de Impuestos de Actividades Extracurriculares de Arizona es la manera principal de pagar por las actividades extracurricular. ¡Esto incluye deportes después de escuela, la obra musical después de escuela, programas de arte, excursiones y otras actividades mas! Si a usted, o alguien que usted conoce, que paga impuestos estatales de Arizona de su cheque o debe impuestos este año, usted puede designar hasta $200.00 por persona individual o $400.00 por parejas casadas y que ese impuesto vaya a la academia. Cualquier persona que paga impuestos en Arizona puede participar. Si usted individualmente no puede participar este año, otros miembros de la familia, amigos o compañeros de trabajo pueden tomar ventaja de esta oportunidad. Esto no es una donación. No le cuesta nada. Usted recibirá este dinero de regreso cuando usted haga sus impuestos estatales como crédito de impuesto.

***Su contribución debe ser recibida el 15 de abril del 2020 para recibir el crédito del año fiscal 2019.


Descargue el Boletín de Enero de 2023 del Director de la Escuela

January 2020 Newsletter

January 1, 2020

Help Our Kids & Save Money on Your Arizona Taxes!

The Arizona Extra-Curricular Activity Tax Credit is the way we fund our extra-curricular activities. This includes after-school sports, the after-school musical, arts programs, field trips, and more! If you, or anyone else you know, has Arizona State taxes taken from their paycheck or will owe State taxes this year, you can designate up to $200.00 for a single person, or $400.00 for a married couple of those taxes to go to the Academy.

Any Arizona taxpayer may participate. If you individually cannot participate this year, other family members, friends or coworkers can take advantage of this opportunity. This is not a donation. It costs you nothing. You will receive this back when you file your State taxes as a tax credit.

**Your contribution must be received by April 15th 2020 to receive a state tax credit for 2019 tax year.


Download January 2020 Newsletter from Our Principal

December 2019 Newsletter

December 1, 2019

A word from Mrs. Koperno

As we end 2019, I would like to thank you for your commitment to Mesa Arts Academy. The success we have experienced since the beginning of the school year is due a great deal to parents, caregivers, and families like yours. Thank you to everyone who came out to help build our new playgrounds. It is exciting to see the students enjoy the new structures and all of the extra enhancements, including the paintings, cornhole, and stage.

I wish you a restful winter break and hope you enjoy this time with your student(s). I hope the time provides a myriad of opportunities for you and your family to do things you might not be able to accomplish when school is in session. For the New Year, I wish you health and happiness!

School is closed beginning December 23rd. During winter break, there will be opportunities to create a stronger bond with your student(s) and continue to support their academic growth and success. The holidays are good times for storytelling around the dinner table or routines like bedtime reading that cultivate connections between home and school expectations. Young students do best with regular schedules, and I encourage you to prepare for their return to school on January 6th by instilling in them an understanding about the importance of being rested and ready to learn.


Download December 2019 Newsletter from Our Principal

Boletín de Noviembre de la Director de la Escuela

November 1, 2019

Unas Mensaje de Mrs. Koperno

Este año escolar paso volando! Espero que usted y su hijo (a) hayan disfrutado sus vacaciones de otoño. Los estudiantes pueden necesitar comenzar a usar chaquetas pronto; por favor revise el clima para que pueda vestir a su hijo adecuadamente en el invierno. Recuerdele a su hijo que use tenis el día que tenga Educación Física con el entrenador Chris.

Fue muy agradable ver a los padres y maestros dandose el tiempo para discutir el trabajo y el progreso de los estudiantes, y conectarse entre ellos, durante la semana de las conferencia. Si aún no ha programado su conferencia, o no pudo cumplir con el horario programado, comuníquese con el maestro de su hijo para encontrar un horario que funcione para ambos. Es vital para nuestra escuela y el éxito de nuestros estudiantes que los padres y tutores participen activamente en la educación de sus hijos. Me gustaría recordarle nuestra política con respecto a los estudiantes que llegan tarde a la escuela o que salen temprano de la escuela. Nuestro horario escolar es de 7:30 a 3:30. Si su hijo llega tarde, un adulto debe acompañarlo a la oficina y registrarse en el cuaderno en la recepción. Del mismo modo, asegúrese de firmar la salida de su hijo en el cuaderno en la recepción si va a recogerlo temprano. Es ideal para que los maestros sepan con anticipación que recogerá a su hijo y a qué hora planea llegar. De esa manera, su hijo puede estar listo, y no tenemos que pasar tiempo mirando alrededor de la escuela si la clase participa en una clase de arte relacionada o en el almuerzo. Le agradecemos su cooperación con respecto a esta política. Es por la seguridad de nuestros hijos.

No olvides que el sábado 9 de noviembre es nuestro día de construcción de juegos. Comienza a las 8:00 a.m. y terminará alrededor de las 4:00 p.m. Si puede ser voluntario, regístrese en el sitio web a continuación. ¡Espero verlos a todos allí!


Descargue el Boletín de Noviembre de 2019 del Director de la Escuela

November 2019 Newsletter

November 1, 2019

A Word from Mrs. Koperno

This school year is flying by! I hope you and your child enjoyed your Fall break. Students may need to start wearing jackets soon; please watch the weather so you can dress your child accordingly. Please remind your child to wear tennis shoes on the day they have Physical Education with Coach Chris.

It was so nice to see parents and teachers having time to discuss students’ work and progress, and connect with one another, during conference week. If you have not yet scheduled your conference, or were unable to make your scheduled time, please contact your child’s teacher to find a time that works for both of you. It is vital for our school and our students’ success that parents and guardians be actively involved in their child’s education.

I would like to remind you of our policy regarding students arriving to school late or checking out of school early. Our school hours are from 7:30 to 3:30. If your child is late, an adult needs to accompany him/her inside and sign-in on the notebook at the front desk. Similarly, please make sure you sign your child out in the notebook on the front desk if you are picking up early. It is ideal to let the teachers know ahead of time that you will be picking up your child and what time you plan on arriving. That way your child can be ready, and we do not have to spend time looking around the school if the class is involved in a related arts class or at lunch. We thank you for your cooperation regarding this policy. It is for the safety of our children.

Don’t forget that Saturday, November 9, is our playground build day. It begins at 8:00 am and will end around 4:00 pm.


Download November 2019 Newsletter from Our Principal

Boletín de Octubre de la Director de la Escuela

October 1, 2019

Unas Palabras de la Sra. Koperno

Estimadas familias de MAA:

¡Sé que todos estamos sorprendidos por lo rápido que pasó septiembre!

Ciertamente hemos tenido un mes fantástico aquí; ¡Ha estado increíblemente ocupado, pero el progreso que los estudiantes han logrado en solo unas pocas semanas ha sido asombroso! En este momento, los estudiantes están instalados en sus nuevas aulas y rutinas, y se están dedicando al negocio del aprendizaje. Este año tiene mucho que esperar: ¡todo nuestro equipo está emocionado de presenciar su crecimiento! Ahora que llegó octubre, hay un final a la vista para las temperaturas de 100 grados. ¡El calor aún no ha terminado, así que recuerden mantenerse hidratados y mantener a sus hijos hidratados!

Las conferencias de padres y maestros son del 30 de septiembre al 4 de octubre. Asegúrese de tener un horario programado para reunirse con el maestro de su hijo. Las vacaciones de otoño están programadas para los días 7 y 11 de octubre.

Octubre también trae la Semana del Listón Rojo y Halloween. La información sobre estos dos eventos se enviará a casa en la carpeta de su hijo. Ha habido algunas llamadas cercanas en el estacionamiento. Ahora tenemos nuevas instrucciones de estacionamiento. Por favor revíselos, firme y devuelva con tu hijo Solo necesitamos uno por familia.

Como siempre, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo con respecto a cualquier pregunta o inquietud.


Descargue el Boletín de Octubre de 2019 del Director de la Escuela