General Policies

Distance Learning Plan Template for Charter Schools |  View


Health Policy for Students and Staff/Política de salud para estudiantes y personal |  Download


Arizona Parental Rights Handbook / Manual de derechos de los padres de Arizona | Learn More


Wellness Policy | Download


Cursive Policy/Póliza de Letra Cursiva |  Download


Homework Policy/Póliza de la Tarea | Download


Absent Work Policy/Póliza de Trabajo Ausente Tercer | Download


Referrals to Other Agencies | Download

Policies by Grade

MAA Survey

For 25 years, the Mesa Arts Academy’s (MAA) has been a community partner with the vision is to be the premier learning environment for all students. Its mission is to provide an excellent basic education for kindergarten through 8th grade students through the use of an arts-based curriculum which provides a continuum of education using the mediums of art, drama, dance, music, etc., which target the development of a heightened interest in continuing education, and the development to the fullest possible of the skills and talents of the youth attending its programs.

MAA would like to explore its next level of educational and community excellence, and as such would appreciate your input and insights as a valued community member.

Please complete the following survey by no later January 27, 2023.

The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes.

As a special thank you for completing this survey, MAA will provide a FREE February month of membership at the Grant Woods Boys & Girls Club for one child.

Your input is very valued.

Harassment, Bullying, and Hazing Policy

Harassment, bullying, and hazing are prohibited at school, in school vehicles, during school-sponsored 15 activities, and while students are traveling to or from school.

Harassment means any abusive conduct that is directed at one or more students because of the student’s actual or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including gender identity or sexual orientation) or disability and that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, or persistent so as to interfere with or limit the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the school. It includes retaliation and sexual harassment. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment.

Bullying means any aggressive, intentional behavior carried out by a person or group repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend himself or herself. It may be verbal, physical, or relational; and it requires an observed or perceived imbalance of power-such as physical strength or popularity-between the bully and victim.

Bullying includes cyberbullying, which means any act of bullying committed by use of electronic technology or communication devices including social networking and other internet communications, that occurs on school property or at a school-sponsored event; substantially interferes with a student’s education; threatens the overall educational environment, or substantially disrupts the operation of a school.

Hazing means forcing a student to risk or suffer physical or mental harm or degradation to join, participate in, or remain in a school-affiliated organization or activity. Students who believe they have been harassed, bullied, or hazed should report the behavior to any school staff member. All school employees must report such incidents. All reports are investigated and kept confidential. Students who engage in harassment, bullying, or hazing are subject to disciplinary action.

Parental Classroom Visits, Tours, and Observation Policy

For the safety of students and staff: all visitors to a school during the school day must report to the school office upon arrival and must not proceed beyond the school office without approval of the principal or designee. All persons other than School employees,  or school-approved volunteers, and students currently enrolled in the school are visitors who must comply with this rule regarding visits during the school day.

Parents of enrolled students and parents who wish to enroll their children are encouraged to visit, tour and observe classrooms unless a visit, tour or observation threatens the health and safety of students and staff.  Those wishing to visit a classroom must contact the principal in advance to arrange a day and time for such visit, which must not conflict with the school schedule.

When visiting a classroom, parents or guardians must realize that the first responsibility of a teacher is to the students, and the teacher may be unable to converse at any length with the visitor. If a conference is desired, arrangements will be made by the teacher for an appointment with the parents or guardians. Classroom visitors must comply with the teacher’s requests and instructions.