February 2025 Newsletter

We hope the new year has begun positively for each of you. Here at Mesa Arts Academy, we are engaged in daily learning and activities.

Our commitment is to foster a positive environment and to create the best possible learning atmosphere. High-quality instruction and student learning remain our top priorities. Every initiative at Mesa Arts Academy is designed to facilitate student success in various areas, extending well beyond their time with us. The partnership between school and home is essential for student achievement, and we hope your children feel safe and supported during this pivotal and occasionally challenging period in their development. Should you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to us.

It is difficult to believe that we have already surpassed the halfway mark of the academic year. Students have acclimated to their routines and are familiar with our school-wide expectations. Our teachers have diligently worked to create meaningful learning experiences while emphasizing our behavioral standards. Consistency and predictability are critical factors in fostering student success, as in maintaining a calm learning environment to enhance focus.

A reminder regarding attendance: the bell rings at 8:25 am, and school begins promptly at 7:30 am. Students must be in their classrooms by 7:30 am to avoid being marked absent / tardy. When a student arrives late, they miss valuable time with both their classmates and teachers, as many educators utilize this period for team-building and community engagement. After 7:30 am, parents must sign their child in at the front office.

We are grateful for the opportunity to work with your students each day. Thank you for allowing us to contribute to their development.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Mesa Arts Academy family.

With deepest appreciation,

Joyce Oyer

Download February 2025 Newsletter from Our Principal (PDF)