December 2023 Newsletter
Dear Mesa Arts Academy Families,
As we begin December, I look back and think: how quickly the school year has gone by so far! I truly love the wonderful families and community that we have at MAA.
We know that the holiday season is a hectic one, where people can be coming and going, always in a rush. However, as a community, we have to be sure that we are paying attention to what matters most- the safety of our children. That is why we wanted to take some time to remind our families of a few of the protocols we have in place to help us ensure student safety. We know these protocols may take a few extra moments, but in the end, they are worth the time they take.
- First, please be prepared to answer a few important questions when entering MAA, and be pre-pared to show identification for the purpose of dismissing or speaking with your child. We do have some new staff and they are trained to ask for ID.
- If your child is going to be absent or late, please inform the school as soon as possible. If we do not hear from a parent or guardian, the school will need to contact you; please be sure we have the correct phone number on file.
- Lastly, if you call the school and ask for information regarding your child, please be prepared to wait or even receive a call back. We cannot share any information over the phone until we have confirmed who we are speaking with, ensuring we have authorization from the parent or guardian to communicate with the person requesting the information.
I hope to see everyone at our holiday shows. Please see the calendar for dates and times. Again, thank you for all you do to help make MAA such a success. Always remember that as a school community, we are here for you. As always, if you have any questions feel free to call the main office at 480-844-3965.
Mrs. Oyer